Anodyne Therapy: A Photo-Energy Treatment Modality
Comprehensive Gait, Balance And Falls Therapy Program
Balance and fall problems can be caused by problems with:
- Vision
- Vestibular (inner ear)
- Sensory Nerve Function in Legs, Ankles, Feet
- Some Medications Cause Poor Balance
Because painful circulatory problems can lead to gait and balance problems, Anodyne therapy can be effectively used as a treatment component of a comprehensive gait and balance program. In order to assess patients for fall risk, we:
- Evaluate typical balance/fall risk issues (listed above).
- Conduct a somatosensory assessment (monofilament, proprioception testing).
- Pain assessment.
- Conduct a functional evaluation (Tinetti or Berg, Range of Motion, etc) for flexibility, strength, balance, ability to walk/do activities, vestibular effect.
We then set goals based on what the patient wants to be able to do at the end of treatment.
Generally, our typical gait/balance/falls therapy protocol may include:
- Anodyne therapy to increase circulation, decrease pain, stiffness, muscle spasm.
- Anodyne 3 times per week, for 30 minutes (minimum) per session, 12-24 treatment sessions.
- Therapeutic exercise for strengthening, endurance, range of motion and flexibility.
- Neuromuscular re-education as balance exercises.
- Gait training for proper walking techniques.
- Other modalities and therapeutic techniques, sensory integrative techniques.
- Addressing any other issues having an affect on balance (vision, medication, vestibular, etc).
[Note: Anodyne is not cleared for improving gait and balance. In our program, Anodyne therapy is used adjunctively to increase circulation and reduce pain as part of a coordinated physical therapy plan. The gait, balance and falls results cannot be ascribed to Anodyne therapy alone.]