
Beneficial for Life

We've all heard that exercise activities promote good health and quality of life. Two primary forms of exercise are recommended for everyone - strength training and cardiovascular exercise.

Proven benefits of strength training (weight/resistance) include:

  • Improving bone density, which helps reduce risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures
  • Enhancing balance, which decreases risk of falls
  • Increasing muscle strength to perform normal physical activities, including climbing stairs, standing up, carrying objects, gripping, etc

Benefits of cardiovascular exercise include:

  • Improving: blood pressure control, HDL cholesterol levels, general conditioning and stamina
  • Reducing risks of obesity and diabetes

Beneficial Post-Therapy

A focus on wellness through fitness is just as important - if not even more so - for patients completing their rehabilitation program. From a rehab standpoint, achieving and maintaining fitness helps maximize functional abilities, and helps prevent future injuries. Furthermore, it may even be crucial to reaching full recovery, especially for those who are not at their ideal fitness levels (and are most at risk for injury or illness). After all, at the conclusion of your rehab program, you will become responsible for your own continued progress - by way of your lifelong fitness program.

To participate in fitness activities, people have many options to choose from including: home-based programs, public and private gyms or fitness centers, recreational facilities, church groups with fitness centers, parks, and others. Most of these options are available here in Kernersville and other local communities.

KRS Wellness Program

Another option for maximizing your therapy results may be to progressively transition from your formal rehab therapy to fitness activities through the KRS Wellness program. At Kernersville Rehab, we offer our patients completing their therapy one free month of membership in our Wellness program. The program is limited to patients having receiving Physical or Occupational therapy at KRS. This allows is to be familiar with each person's prior medical history, therapy program and progress.

Wellness program participants must be independent in their exercise program and require no skilled care or supervision while using the equipment and facilities. We do not offer personal trainers but will gladly give advice as time allows. Participants have access to their previous therapist for questions or adjustments to their program, but on a limited basis, as therapists will also be treating scheduled patients.

Once the free month is over, participants may continue in the Wellness program on a month to month basis for a small monthly fee. The Wellness program is offered as an extended benefit, in the hope that former patients will be motivated to continue a fitness program to enhance their health and quality of life. Any previous KRS patient is welcome to return for the Wellness program at any time.